Treasure Caves Two
With the Treasure Caves Two fresh AIR app, you can play this game where you dig through caves in order to discover a treasure. Each time you find a treasure, you keep it and move to the next level, and there are plenty of them, one hundred indeed.
Treasure Caves is simple but entertaining and can be played by anyone of any age as long as they can use the arrows of their mobile device. If you have a daily commute or if you are waiting for your friends in line, turn this game on and time will fly.

In this version of the game, the graphics are sleek and the number of difficulty levels has been raised to keep you busy playing forever.
As more and more people use their mobile phone for playing games, this is really a revolution in the gaming landscape and plenty of new games are coming like this one. As there are 100 levels, this game will keep your brain in action for a long time. Alternatively use one of the poker bonus codes for even more exciting games online.
This second version of Treasure Caves was released in 2010 by Terry Paton, a software developer enthusiastic about games and AIR apps.
Visit the itunes website for downloading the Treasure Cave application.
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