The best automotive apps
As we know, many vehicles come equipped with various technologies to obtain relevant information on consumption, temperature and the location of gas stations and charging stations, amoing other things.
But what if our vehicle doesn't have these technologies? We then use automotive apps for our smart phones! Here we bring you a list of the best automotive apps for the discerning driver.
GPS / Navigation
The Waze application goes far beyond a simple navigation aid since it is a social GPS that provides a quantity of useful and practical information in a social network logic that allows you to obtain and share real-time information with your community on traffic conditions, traffic jams, speed cameras and other traps that generally complicate motorists' lives.
In addition, the interface is pleasant, fluid and very intuitive, and the navigation maps downloaded during your trip via the smartphone connection are impressively precise. A free alternative: Google Maps Navigation, on iOS and Android, the benchmark of the genre. On Windows Phone, Nokia Drive does an amazing job. These tree free apps may do better than your car's on-board GPS, an option that cost you a lot.
Weather forecast
If you plan to move from point A to point B, it is always interesting to know the weather a little in advance on the spot but also on the journey, just to decide if the we put on snow tires, rain tires or heat wave tires. You will only need to use the car cover is there is a serious storm coming your way!
The weather apps are plentiful, but the meteoearth one is unbeatable in accuracy in short-term forecasting, i.e. 48 hours max. Anyway, beyond that, and despite everything meteorologists have been saying for years, we can see that it is not accurate, whatever the application. The worst in this area is probably the native iPhone weather app, which seems to be forecasted every morning with the toss of a coin.

Locating points of interest
One of the main concerns when traveling is finding convenient addresses, which navigation tools commonly group under the banner "Points of Interest". It is impossible to list everything as the list is long and expansive, but as a motorist you will naturally be more concerned with certain information.
An outsider that I have often used and which acn save your life sometimes, especially to find a gas station in the middle of the Nevada desert if you come back from Las Vegas with barely enough left in the tank to do 10 miles:
Finding WiFi
It's also interesting to know where the closest WiFi hotspot is if you need to connect to the Internet without spraying your puzzle-style package (essential abroad): this is what WiFi Finder offers, for example.
Electric car charging stations
For the ones who drive an electric car or RV, the stress of the range and the dropping battery gauge can be advantageously dealt with by properly locating the charging stations along your journey.Even if these are still rare in some areas, they are still numerous enough to be listed and located in an application, such as ChargeMap, which also has the good idea of inviting all individuals who have the possibility of providing information about electricity to passing motorists. Register in order to densify the network.
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